Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Solitary Leaf

I was hiking on a very brown and dusty trail up South Fork of Provo River when I came upon this leaf in the middle of the path. I didn't move it--I just photographed it exactly where it was. I liked the contrast of color and the stark outline of the leaf against the brown dirt.

1 comment:

Emily's profile said...

Brother Peterson, Howdy this is Emily Lowry, now Thornton. I found your blog and man O man you are AMAZING!!!! I looked at it all the pictures then made my husband come over and look at it with me again. I love your work. You have Great saturation in some of those shots they just burst right out of the screen. You have a great eye for it. Never stop and keep posting more it is wonderful stuff!!! Have you ever thought of selling some of your prints? I think you could do really well.