Sunday, April 5, 2009

Timp at Night

Last night at about 11:00PM, I noticed this view of Mt. Timpanogos from by backyard deck. It was almost a full moon and the tree was illuminated by the moon and the streetlight from across the street. I was getting into bed, but before I did, I took this 30 second exposure shot. If you click on it, you can see the stars. Night shots are fun with a digital camera.


Karie said...

THAT . . . IS . . . AWESOME.
What an unusual picture. You can even see the stars. And the lighting is so neat.

Colleen said...

I'm so glad you went out there in the cold and took this photo. Who was it again who forced you to do that? ;-)

Christine said...

Beautiful shot, except for the big ugly tree in your neighbors backyard, could you tell them to chop it down ;)