Thursday, February 19, 2009

Airplane Shadow

While landing at the Orlando, FL airport, I happened to get this shot out the window. The stark shadow on the trees and the blue water approaching makes for an interesting shot.


Debi Buckner said...


This is Debi, Mikey and Karie's friend. Mikey just sent me a link to this blog. It's fantastic! You're quite the photographer and, it appears, quite the world traveler too. Thank you for sharing your gift. I really enjoyed looking at these pictures, especially those from France and Rome. I went there a couple of years ago and these photos brought back great memories. My favorite is probably the one of your wife. I also really liked the one in St. Peter's Basilica with the three rays of light coming down into the nave. I think the Vatican would make you a good offer on that one.

Karie said...

That's awesome!

Anonymous said...

You have an uncanny ability to capture some great moments on film. If it didn't happen so often I may contribute it to luck. But you obviously have surpassed luck.