Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Winter Snowstorm

One night a few years ago this snowstorm began. I wanted to get some night shots with light provided by streetlamps. I hopped in my car to try to find a good location. The City Library was the perfect place. This was taken late at night, handheld, out the rolled-down window of my car. I like the lone light that's on in one window.


Karie said...

I love everything about this photo. The lighting, the composition, it just has such a great feel.

dockters said...

I am one of Karie's cousins...lindsay. And wow...what a talent you have! I'm so glad you are sharing it with us too! I just got a new camera for Christmas and I'm dying to learn more about photography! Thanks for sharing your amazing pictures.

Giggles said...

I love the way snow storms look under street lamps. I just never managed to get a picture of it. You did an amazing job.

Anjella said...

I love this shot! Amazing!

The Lovells said...