Friday, December 26, 2008


I took this picture of Colleen 38 years ago (three years before we were married). We were walking in Provo Canyon near the Sundance turnoff down by the river. She picked this little weed and looked down at it. The sun was behind her creating this perfect effect. I told her to freeze while I took a meter reading off her face (in the shadow) and snapped this shot. As I remember, it was the last exposure on the roll. I have always loved this picture and have had it framed and hanging somewhere in our house for the past 38 years. I post it here today at my son, Mikey's request. I love you, Colleen.


Colleen said...

Back at ya, Babe!

Mikey Peterson said...

My favorite picture you've ever taken

Jen and Joe said...

I hit the "next blog" button at the top my my page and this one came up.. I thought this is very sweet and tender. I wish you all the best, it sounds like you two are happy. I just started my marriage with my husband 10 months ago, and I too hope we will be happy and together a long time..

About US said...

I remember this pic since I was a little kid what a great photo! Reminds me of some great memories.
Of 279 Provo, & riding in your little bug.
Love you guys

Todd S.

Anjella said...