Sunday, December 21, 2008

Cinderella's Castle at Christmas

We were at Magic Kingdom after dark before Christmas this year when the castle began to light up. By the time it was fully lit there were over 200,000 LED lights blanketing the building. Again, I was without a tripod so I had to concentrate to hold as still as I could. The picture is pretty, but I can't tell you how beautiful it was in person. People simply stopped and stared as it lit up, and most just stood still and enjoyed the sight for the next 30 minutes or so. I took LOTS of shots. Here are two of them.


Giggles said...


Karie said...

Holy cow--I want to live there!

Anonymous said...

I'm Juli Blickfeldt and Debi Buckner is one of Karie's friends. Debi told me about this photo, because I have an autistic son (Greg) who just loves Disney. He will love looking at this photo of Cinderella's castle. You are one AMAZING photographer. Thank you for sharing your talent.

Anjella said...

My little Ellie LOVED this picture. She said, "LOOK, THE CASTLE!"